About SurestBid

This site is an auction site where products are available for auctions and it’s a platform created by AAW Technologies Ltd, a Nigerian registered company with registration number RC 1421405. This site is created to allow for:

  • Online fun products purchase
  • Online discounts and savings on products
  • Great user customer experience
  • Guaranteed money back for purchased products (based on terms and conditions)
  • Easy products returns (based on terms and conditions)

How It Works

Each product on auction has amount of bid tokens that is needed for a user to place a single bid (Figure 1 - Ref A). User must have enough bid tokens on their account before they can be allowed to place a bid and a single bid decreases the user’s total bid tokens by the token used for the bid. Each bid also increases the product auction prize by a specific amount. The amount by which the auction prize (Figure 1 - Ref D) increases is also specific to each product and this information can be found on the product (Figure 1 - Ref B) . When a user places a bid on a product (Figure 2 - Ref C), the user wins the auction if no other user places a bid before the auction timer (Figure 2 - Ref A) runs out. If another user places a bid before the timer runs out, the timer starts all over again until no one else places a bid. When a user wins an auction, the winner is expected to pay for the won auction which may include processing fee.

Users can also buy products at any time which will be sold at retail prize. (Figure 1 - Ref E)

Figure 1 – An Auction that is yet to start

Figure 2 – An Auction has started

Figure 3 – Bidding process flow chart